Research on the Application of Hyper—textual Reading of English Majors论文

作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:35623 浏览:159894 最后更新时间:2024-01-26
【摘要】Hypertext is a non-sequential (non-linear),electronic,textual,hypermedia,and interactive environment.With the development of the Internet,students especially college students prefer reading on the Internet.This paper will make a research on hyper-textual reading of English majors to provide implications for second language reading in general,and for English majors' hypertext reading in particular.
  【关键词】hypertext;reading; English major
  1.The definition of hypertext
  Hypertext is the electronic linking of text that we often find on the Internet.When we click on a linked word or image,we are able to access another place on the Internet.This mode of reading,this act of clicking that presents a reader with a new screen and often an entirely new topic,calls upon readers to approach meaning construction in a different way.
  2.The features of hypertext
  With the development of human society,the liner and flat text can hardly present the complicated relationship between different things,while hypertext can achieve it by its non-linear feature.
  Hypertext can link with another hypertext to form a non-centre,non-boundary universe.In this hypertextual universe,any writers can upload the works they he just finished to enlarge the hypertextual net.
  Hypertext is perceived to possess intrinsic behiors which seem to serve some purpose or goal.The goal may be simple or complex and the reader need not know what it is.Indeed,the goal may not even be internally consistent.Internal rhetorical and stylistic consistency make characters seem intentional and therefore real.
  3.The application of hyper-textual reading of English majors
  According to the English Teaching Syllabus for English Majors which proclaimed in 2007,college English teaching should apply modern,polybasic and all-around teaching model to adapt the development of the society.Universities should encourage teachers and students to develop newteaching resources and pay attention to renew their teaching material through the Internet.We can get a conclusion that college English teaching model is turning to a new hyper-textual model.


  The application of English hyper-textual reading can optimize English teaching and enhance the teaching efforts.On the other hand,the distinct feature of English reading class can also offer a new stage for the Internet.This kind of new teaching form has a highly application value,especially for enhancing learners' innovation and initiative abilities.All in all,hyper-textual reading will promote the development of English reading.
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  【作者简介】孙爽(1990- ):女,黑龙江讷河人,东北师范大学外国语学院学科教学(英语)专业2012级硕士研究生,研究方向:英语教学教法。