The Research on the Contribution of Primary English Teaching论文

作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:14895 浏览:60251 最后更新时间:2024-02-09
Abstract: The paper adopts the SPSS software to research the English test scores between two groups in junior middle school to prove that the primary English teaching has no effect on junior English erage scores in .present teaching situation.
  Key words: Research; Contribution; Primary English teaching
  :C DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-818



1 Foreword.

  All the research data in the paper are from Gaojia primary school and Gaojia junior middle school in Sichuan province from 2006 to 2011.There are two assumptions: all English tests he the same degree of difficulty and the groups he the same erage capacity of studying language.
  2 The findings by analysis of junior students' scores with SPSS software
  Table 2-1 Average scores of junior students from Grade one to Grade three
  *Se-T: semi-term tests, Fi-T: final-term tests, Sum: the quantity of students, total is 150.
  Though the erage gap in grade one is remarkable, the general gaps of erage score are gradually decreased with time. The gap of last final-term scores is only 1.1 (108.26 minus 107.16). It is obvious that the score gap in Junior Grade one is significant. But the advantages are disappearing gradually as time goes on of those who had learnt English a few years earlier. For further research, the SPSS15.0 software is introduced, the following table is the analytic results.
  Table 2-2 Descriptive Statistics
  *Grade1N: students in Grade 1 without study English in primary school, Grade1Y: students in grade 2 who he studied English in primary school and other abbreviation can be inferred.
  Table2-2 describes the general distributive tendency of the scores of two groups of junior students’ erage scores. The table mainly includes four parameters. The gaps between Minimum and Maximum are gradually decreased to hardly equal and the Mean scores between two group are also decreasing to equal values (105.4225 Vs 105.7625). The Standard Deviation show that the allest differences (Std. Deviation =3.49915) can be found in Grade3Y, while the biggest differences (Std. Deviation= 8.29326) can be identified in Grade2Y.
  To test whether the previous findings are right or wrong, The following tables are the results .
  Table 2--3 Paired Samples Statistics
  In table2-3, most figures in categories are same as the above figures that we can conclude that all the statistical figures are tested to be reliable.