
作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:29889 浏览:135063 最后更新时间:2024-01-28
摘 要:译者是翻译工作的主体,具有译者主体性。译者本身会因为对翻译目的的不同认识不同的翻译策略或翻译原则。本文主要浅谈不同译者在翻译实践中对异化(直译)、归化(意译)翻译策略的运用。
  [文章编号]1006-2831(2013)08-0211-3 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-283


  在过去的文学翻译(汉英)中,对中国文化的处理主要有两种手法:以源语文化为认同的异化(foreignization)原则和目标语为归宿的归化(domestication)翻译原则(金惠康,2003: 89)。也就是说异化和归化是一对矛盾,异化要求忠实原文作者,而归化要求贴近读者,迁就读者,尽可能地把源语行为模式纳入译文读者的文化范畴。还有学者认为:在结构主义翻译理论中,“异化”“归化”分别取代了“直译”“意译”(董明,2011: 114)。译者是翻译主体,应该根据翻译所要达到的预期目的,做出判断,是要忠实于作者还是要靠近读者,从而决定异化策略还是归化策略。
  笔者译文:①Did Jianzhen love Japanese people? ②Of course he did. ③He harbored passionate feelings for Japan and Japanese people.④Like other Chinese, he felt, from the bottom of his heart, the intimate relationship between Chinese and Japanese and was determined to devote himself heart and soul to spreading to Japan the Buddha tenets which he believed would relieve the people of Japan. ⑤Therefore, for the happiness of Japanese people, he left China for Japan resolutely, ⑥which was thought to be almost impossible at that time.⑦Today, when talking about “the narrow strip of water”, we refer to the easy access to a close neighbor. ⑧But the sea between China and Japan was roaring with rolling wes. Even today we can’t imagine how hard and dangerous it was for Jianzhen to cross the sea in a wooden boat. ⑨He tried several times and arrived in Japan finally with a narrow escape. ⑩How could he he made it without the deep love for Japanese people?
  参考译文:①Did Monk Jianzhen love the Japanese people? ②Of course, he did. ③He loved Japan and the Japanese people passionately. ④Like the Chinese people, he was deeply aware of the close relationship between the two peoples. That was why he made up his mind to sacrifice himself to spread life-and-world-sing Buddhi to Japan.⑤To promote the happiness of the Japanese people, he bid goodbye to his motherland determinedly. ⑥It was by no means easy to go to Japan from China in Jianzhen’s time. It was, indeed, more difficult than flying into the blue sky. ⑦While it is easy enough for us today to describe the relationship between China and Japan as close as two pieces of land separated by a mere strip of water, ⑧sailing in a wooden boat across the often stormy sea from one country to the other was exceedingly difficult, involving untold hardships and risks. ⑨Monk Jianzhen tried many times and failed just as many. Finally he made it to Japan, hing survived untold hazards. ⑩If he hadn’t had the most profound love for the Japanese people, how could he he displayed so much courage and stamina?