
作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:10267 浏览:37419 最后更新时间:2024-01-18
摘 要 纽马克的交际翻译法和语义翻译法是对赖达功能翻译论理的补充。本文讨论这一翻译策略在口译中的应用。
  关键词 交际翻译法 语义翻译法 口译

1 introduction

  In order to evaluate the Dynamic Equivalence properly and reduce the distance between literal and free translation, Newmark proposed two kinds of translation mode: communicative translation and semantic translation.
  According to the communicative translation theory, translation is a course of communication. Translator should traner the culture of source culture into that of target language as much as possible. When translator transplanted a text from one culture to another, he/she should make great effort to let the reader of target language understand the thought of the writer in source language, and so get the same idea as the readers in source language do.
  On the contrary, in semantic translation, translator tries his/her best to provide a faithful and exact translated version under the allowance of semantic and syntax structure in the target language.
  The difference between communicative translation and semantic translation lies in the following:
  Communicative translation is briefer, clearer, direct and more traditional. It adheres to a certain kind of language mode and tends to translate invisibly, sometimes express a complex paragraph with simple phrases.
  Semantic translation requires more delicate and complicated work, seeking for the process of thought and pays no much attention to tranitter’s intention. So semantic translation belongs to refined translation, of which the target text would be more in detail and he more semantic connotation. The most essential difference between communicative and semantic translation is that they he absolutely different emphasis.
  →语义翻译:Reed Flute Ce
  →交际翻译:Ludi Ce
  I am no Hamlet.
  2 Communicative Translation and Semantic Translation in Interpretation
  In interpretation, listening contains receiving all the phonetic messages at a specific time and space, and separating them based on the semantic segments. When interpreted out, these segments are rejoined according to the grammar and custom expressions of the target language. Because in interpretation, phonetic messages are continuously putting in, the pressure of interpreter’s memory can be lightened if semantic translation is being taken out.
  It marks first of all/ the restoration of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China/ under the terms of Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984/ after more than one hundred and fifty years of British administration.