Two Suggested Principles in College English Teaching论文

作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:7321 浏览:24303 最后更新时间:2024-02-14
In English teaching and learning process, sometimes the materials offered by textbooks are not sufficient enough. It is necessary to supplement the text with other materias, which is relevant with the text students are supposed to learn. And also, the teacher can use some tactics to facilitate language learning and make it more effective.
  Making full use of limited class time is very important. At the same time, if the teacher incorporate useful characteristics into a communicative lesson pattern, it will be better. To improve language teaching, teachers must make the speech and explanation in class systematical.
  The teacher must make the aim of the teaching material clear. Take one extract as an example, the aim of the unit is to give students a chance to practice English associated with a restaurant. The teacher can apply the following two principles.
  The first principle is Authenticity, which plays a key role in English teaching and learning. The teacher makes the teaching and learning settings like the real life, as real as possible. Now, in this unit the setting is The Restaurant. Try to let students imagine they are in a restaurant vividly, then let them do the first part: Tune in. In this part, there is a picture on the paper, which shows us several people are sitting around a table to he their meal, and there are some speech bubbles for the students to fill in what the characters are talking about. On the right of the picture there are some choices for students. (1) Would you like a drink while you are waiting? (2) I’ll he a mineral water, thanks. (3) I’ll he a beer. Students are supposed to choose the right word to match the right person and fill in the speech bubbles. This is a real context. In daily life, we he this kind of meeting almost every day. This unit begins with a taped conversation, which is scripted from authentic interactions in a restaurant. That is oral English talked by a waiter and customers. What the students should do is to identify which one is the best match. People with different kinds of identity will incline to speak differently. Customers and waiters he different social status, so the way they speak is different. When students listen to this brief conversation, they can intake some useful information about the real life and fill in the speech bubbles. Then they can improve their listening skills, at the same time, learn the real conversation between native English speakers, and also they can master the sentence structure. Because this is just extract from people’s daily life, which is relevant with students, so they will try hard to grasp it. Below the picture, there are some questions: (1) Was it expensive? (2) Who did you go with? (3) Did you enjoy it? (4) Was it different from restaurants in your own country? (5) In what ways? Students will think about these questions and try to get an answer.