
作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:20850 浏览:94058 最后更新时间:2024-02-12
  如“Go for it!” 7A Unit 3 “This is my sister”,围绕“家庭成员”这一主题展开听、说、读、写教学活动。教学任务是用英语介绍家人或朋友,课前我布置学生带一张全家福或与朋友的合影,在Groupwork活动上,让学生用英语介绍家人或朋友给同学认识,对人物进行简单的描述。
  S1: This is a picture of my family. These are my parents, my father is a teacher, he is a math teacher. My mother is a doctor, she is a good doctor. That is my sister, she is a student, she is ten years old. This is me, I’m a student, too. I’m twelve years old. I love my family.
  S2: In the picture, this is my friend, he is Paul, he’s tall. That’s my friend, too, her name is Anna, she’s beautiful. They’re my clasates. They’re friendly to me.
  “Go for it!” 7A Unit 2 “Is this your pencil?”,教学内容是“确认物主”。上课前先观看一段小品《拾金不昧》,然后进行寻找物主的游戏。我在一个箱子里放一些学习用品,进行对话。T:Is this your pencil? S1: Yes, it is, thank you! T: Is that your ruler? S2: No, it isn’t. 我在班上设一个失物招领处,把没有人认领的学习用品暂时放在那儿。这些情景活动,学生明白每件物品都有它的主人,并结合教材内容提出理由:He you ever picked up others’ things? If you pick up others’ things, what will you do with these things? 让学生说出解决的办法:I will hand in these things.
  尊敬师长、关爱他人。在教师节、母亲节、父亲节等节日,我引导学生制作贺卡,并写上祝福语:Happy Teachers’ Day. I am truly grateful to you for what you he done. Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy./ I love you, Mum. You are the one that we love the most. He a happy Mother’s Day!/ You are the best father in the world. Thanks for holding my hand when I needed it.
  ……Finish our homework on time.
  ……Draw on the wall.
  ……Be quiet at the library.
  ……Wait when the traffic lights are red.
  ……Take good care of flowers and trees in school.
  ……Make a lot of noise in class.
  ……Spit on the floor.
  责任编辑 魏文琦