On Translation of English Idioms论文

作者:网友分享原创网站原创 点赞:5870 浏览:21030 最后更新时间:2024-03-11
[Abstract] Idioms are very interesting and necessary in Language. However, because of different environment, religious beliefs and customs, the translation of English idioms is not an easy job. This paper will introduce some background knowledge about idioms and the approaches to translating them into Chinese.
  [Key Words] idioms;culture;allusion
  [摘 要] 俚语是一种非常有趣和必要的语言现象。然而因为生活在不同的地理环境中,有着不同的宗教信仰和习俗,英语俚语翻译绝不是一件容易的事情。这篇文章将介绍英语俚语的背景知识以及将其翻译成汉语的方式。
  [关键词] 俚语;文化;典故
  I. Introduction to English idioms
  While learning English, we easily find that English is rich of idioms. Though idioms are also widely used in Chinese, it is still a complicated task to translate English idioms for us for strong culture feature. Therefore, a good translator must he overall knowledge about English idioms.
  Mona Baker Said, idioms" are frozen patterns of language which allow little of no variation in form and, in the case of idioms, often carry meanings which cannot be deduced from their individual components."
  "Most phrasal lexemes are idioms, especially a sequence of words which is semantically and often syntactically restricted."
  "Idioms in broad sense may include: set phrasal, proverbs, sayings, epigrams, slang expressions, colloquialis, quotations, two-part allegorical sayings"
  According to the definitions mentioned above, the paper comes to the conclusion that idiom is a fixed phrase or sentence, passing from generation to generation and accepted by convention, whose meaning is sometimes impossible to predict by its literal meanings.
  II. Characteristics of idioms

1 Semantic Unity

  From the definition of idioms we can easily find that idiom can not be separated semantically. For example, if we paraphrase skeleton in the cupboard literally, it will be the skeleton put in cupboard, we will think a frightening scene but feel confused. The true meaning of it is family scandal. So do other idioms. That's the most obvious characteristic of idioms.
  2.2 Structural Stability
  Some idioms are grammatically or logically wrong. For instance, diamond cut diamond. We should add "s" after cut. And as fit as a fiddle is illogical. How can fiddle be strong? However, they are fixed after long time of usage. Sometimes if we change a word in idioms, their meaning will change completely. e.g. in a family way means as casually as in one's own family. If we replace a with the, it will implies pregnant. Nevertheless the stability is not absolutely. Sometimes if the idiom is well known, part of it will be left out. For example, we can simplify too many cooks spoil the broth into too many cooks. And people will change some idioms in their words or articles in order to achieve some special effects.